In groups of 2-3 students you will be assigned a section from the play to study. Once you receive it follow the procedure below:
- Read the synopsis of the play
- Read your scene with a commentary
- Put your scene into the context of the entire play
- Break it down into parts
- Decide on a brief synopsis of your scene
- Quote where appropriate
- Note themes: Interpret your scene scientifically, and/or draw out scientific themes. You may use the pointers provided or create your own.
- Watch your scene on DVD in the lab.
- Summarize all this information on overhead transparencies or use Power point
- Prepare a presentation for the class lasting no more than 15 minutes.
- Practise your presentation with your teacher in your next oral
- Deliver your presentation to the class
- Be accurate, clear, creative & dynamic
Group 1
Act I scene 1
The Ghost of Old King Hamlet & Ghosts and their Behaviour
Research Pointer: Science and the Paranormal
In this part of your research you will investigate rational explanations for the paranormal. Go to the following chapter of this blog and explore the notions of memes, the work of biologist Richard Dawkins, pyschologist Sue Blackmore and philosopher Daniel Dennet: Cultural Evolution & Memes . Look also into collective hysteria or delusion - did they all really see the ghost? See: Mass Delusions and Hysteria
Group 2
Act I Scene 2
Hamlet’s state of mind in relation to his father’s death and mother’s marriage to his uncle.
Research Pointer: The Cinderella Effect. Examine Hamlet's relationship to Claudius his step father from an evolitionary pyschology perspective. See New York Times article -'Genetic Ties May Be Factor In Violence in Stepfamilies' ; Wikipedia - Cinderella Effect
Group 3
Act I Scene 5
Hamlet encounters the ghost, and learns from it that he was murdered by his brother Claudius.
The ghost commands Hamlet to kill Claudius.
Research Pointer: Certainty and the scientific method. Montaigne - The Essays
Group 4
Act III Scene 2- The play within the play: The mouse trap
Research Pointer: Real and feigned madness. Reading faces. Real and fake smiles. The Mind's Big Bang - gossip and contemlating what others are thinking.
Real and feigned madness. Hamlet and Oedipus - Hamlet's search for himself. Incest as a social taboo and Sigmund Freud's interpretation of Hamlet.
Group 7
Act V Scene 1
Hamlet’s return and the burial of Ophelia
Group 8
Act V Scene 2
Hamlet and Laertes fight and conclusion
Research Pointer: Comic and Tragic Modes
In this part you should consider Hamlet's behaviour during the finale. Hamlet has been avoiding taking revenge on his uncle Claudius until he is certain of his guilt. Your task is to interpret Hamlet's playful behaviour during the sword fight with Laertes.
Once you have done this consider the ideas of Joseph Meeker. Meeker is a biologist who turned to the study of literature, and has developed an ethological interpretation of Hamlet's comportment.
There are two readings to consider: The Comic Mode from Ecocriticism and Chapter 4 'Hamlet and the Animals' from Literary Ecology and the Play Ethic both by Joseph Meeker (You will find sunnaries of these two articles and others at The Biology of Comedy Summaries). Please note, this latter article is in my opinion is problematic, so you should think critically about it.
Donnotar by Die Jugend
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